Thursday 25 April 2013

Mango "Cheese"cake Recipe

My close friends all know that I have a huge cheesecake craving (ESPECIALLY during exam season). The creamy texture and the melt-in-your-mouth sensation is literally addicting. But alas, every indulgence seems to be followed by a smack from reality - Hi, Joyce. There goes your new years resolution for eating right. 

Okay, don't get me wrong - I'm not promoting thinspiration but it is important to be conscious of the types and amounts of foods that we consume. It's just part of being healthy. But let's be honest- when my cravings strike, they hit me like a stampede. I am lucky that I only have this one craving but umm, not so lucky that I can devour 2 slices in 5 mins...? Not surprisingly, I wanted to find a healthier alternative. 

After several minutes of very intense online searching, I discovered a recipe for **Yogurt Cheesecake**. 

At first, I was skeptical. A cheesecake made from yogurt? But being my adventurous self, I decided to give it a try and I must say that I was very impressed. Even though this recipe uses Greek yogurt in place of creamcheese, it still has the creaminess that taunts me during my most intense cravings! It also delights me to say that it's so much healthier. 

Too good to be true? I guess you'll just have to try it yourself.

I've made this "cheese"cake 4 times now and I've played around with different sugar contents and toppings to suit my taste. I'm not one for really sweet desserts so you might want to change around the portions to your liking. Anyways, here we go. 

Yogurt "Cheese"cake Ingredients/Equipment 

1.5 cups graham cracker crumbs
5 tbsp melted margarine 
2 cups or 500g Greek yogurt (I use 0% fat but I'm sure 2% would be fine as well)
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp cornstarch
pinch of salt
9" baking pan
large mixing bowl


1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
2. Mix the graham cracker crumbs and melted margarine inside the 9" baking pan until it takes on a paste-like consistency. 
3. Press the paste against the bottom of the baking pan to form the base. 
4. Bake in the oven for 7 minutes at 375°F.
While that is happening....

5. Mix the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl.

After 7 minutes have gone by...

6. Take the baking pan out of the oven and pour the contents from the bowl on top of the graham cracker base. 
7. Bake in the oven for 35 mins at 350°F. Be careful not to over-bake.
8. Remove the cake from the oven and once it has cooled, place the cake into the fridge for at least 2 hours before removing it from the baking pan. 
Tip: When removing a cake from disposable baking pans like this, take a pair of scissors and make vertical incisions along the edge. Then, carefully peel the sides of the pan downwards. This way, the sides of the cake may be exposed without ruining the shape. Of course, if you don't want to deal with this step, just invest in a springform pan  (which I will likely do soon) :P
After pulling the sides of the pan down, snip them off with the pair of scissors. Then carefully transfer the cake onto a cake board.....and clean up the mess. 

While this yogurt cheesecake tastes great by itself, I prefer to add a fruit topping just to give it an extra layer of flavor. 

Mango Topping Ingredients/Equipment 

2 fresh mangoes (diced)
1/8 cup sugar
pinch of salt
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp cornstarch mixed with equal parts water


1. Combine the diced mango, sugar, salt and water in the saucepan and cook under medium heat for 15 mins.
2. Slowly pour the cornstarch/water mixture to thicken the mango sauce
3. Let the mango sauce cool. When the yogurt cheesecake has been in the fridge for at least 2 hours, add the sauce on top.

Now, just to make your mouths water some more, here is another cake I've made but with blueberry! The steps in making the sauce is essentially the same; only difference is the fruit and perhaps the proportions. So you might want to taste-test the sauce as you go and add more or less sugar/salt/cornstarch accordingly. 

Wednesday 24 April 2013

The Immortal Creature

So, as I am studying for my second last exam, I reached an epiphany. I realized that I had come face to face with an immortal creature for at least 4 days/week for the last 4 years. I have even discovered (through wikipedia) the year that it was first conceived - 1827. This thing is 186 years old and it's not about to go anywhere.

Friends, beware. This creature is a dangerous.

It raises a bunch of lab rats and keeps a handful of cadavers on its grounds to bait innocent 17 year old humans with them. Quite sadly, once victims have fallen prey, they are tortured with long nights of insomnia, elevated cortisol levels and perhaps even recurrent slaps of depression.

Yes, unfortunately, I am speaking from experience.

Yes, even more unfortunately, it is immortal, and I can prove it. This creature displays pictures of itself from 1876. Walk through MS, the proof is all there.

(PS. Sorry you had to read all that. Yes, U of T is driving me crazy and I am losing my composure. But I guess that's what I get for falling prey?)

Tuesday 23 April 2013

A Collection of MISC photos

Once in a while, it's nice to pretend that I'm artsy and snap pictures of interesting people, things and creatures (although my friends don't enjoy me sneaking up on them at the most random times, haha). I'm particularly fascinated by architecture and monuments because you can look at them and get a taste of the styles (and even ideologies) that were circulating at the time of construction. Considering how buildings can be hundreds of years old, you can actually learn a lot from them. It'll be more apparent when you look below, haha

The pictures were either taken with my Fujifilm Finepix S2000HD, Fujifilm Finepix HS25EXR or Samsung SII phone. Some of them were edited with Picasa. The program is available to download online (Picasa 3.9 Download link) and it's free! Of course, if you're hoping to remodel or transform the objects in your photos, this program won't be able to cut it. But it should be sufficient for those who simply want to enhance their photos or add some effects. 

Anyways, I won't ramble on. Enjoy the view!

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Hong Kong




Old Quebec
Old Quebec

Old Quebec
Old Quebec
High park 
Center Island

King's Mill Park

King's Mill Park

King's Mill Park

A 5 Am Poem

Dreams and reality may not align,
goals in life are just not met.
Reflections are tainted in shades of blue,
eyes are obscured by a haze.
Present and future may seem too bleak,
incompetency stabs the fragile heart.
Tears may trickle behind the mask,
emotions choked back until they burst.


Sadness and distraught will reach its peak,
despair would be no more.
Turns in events will have to occur,
abysses do have an end.
Hopes and aspirations may yet be reached,
but life will carry on.

Acceptance precedes the recollection,
recollection precedes new hope.
Strength and passion will resurface,
light will pierce the dark.
Things may not happen as expected,
but life's not worth living if they did.

Twists and turns lead to new terrains,
achievements beyond your dreams.
Dignity and fulfillment will be attained,
detours won't define your worth.
Goals are certainly set to be reached,
but please don't fret if detours are made.

Struggles and failures will become memories -
wisdom that grows with time.

At 5 am, I simply could not sleep. I hadn't drank coffee for a while and a small cup from the afternoon had kept me awake through the night; perhaps I should drink my coffee in the morning now? Anyways, I don't usually write poems, nor do I read poems. Most of this just came to me at 5 am when I couldn't sleep. Haha...what an odd night. I thought I would share this because I know a few people around me are going through some rough times. Hopefully this can be a source of encouragement!

PS. It's not titled A 5 am Poem because I wrote it at 5 am. Care to hazard a guess?