100 Happy Days

Every so often, I become a little philosophical and I just happened to have one of those moments today. 

Several days ago, I searched up job postings for audiologists in Canada to get a more realistic perspective on their salaries across different cities/provinces and I came across a job offer from the government of Nunavut, community of Iqaluit. Aside from the very generous annual salary of $94K and an additional allowance of $15K (omg, $$$$), I was also very tempted by the idea of living in a native community. 

I mentioned this position to someone afterwards and her immediate response was: "Who would want to move to Nunavut??"

At that moment, a little voice in my head said, "....I wouldn't mind?" 

Oh gosh, I must be one abnormal human being. 

Anyways, just today, a friend told me about the 100 Happy Days challenge where  for 100 consecutive days, contestants document one moment in their lives that had made them happy. Unfortunately, 71% of the people who had attempted the challenge had failed. The most common reason is that they simply did not have time to be happy. 

This leads me to wonder, what makes one happy? How much time does it take to make one content? 

I know that this would vary between people and that some individuals have great ambitions in life that would require much energy and effort to achieve. However, it is sad to think that for 71% of the contestants, there was a day where they could not find a single moment to do something that they enjoy. 

I think that is why the idea of reverting back to a more simple and less materialistic lifestyle appeals to me. Although I probably would not move to Nunavut for a job, I would still like to pursue a more "native-like" lifestyle/mentality where one has less focus on reaping profit from others and less of an urge to accumulate wealth. In that way, it would be easier for us to appreciate what we already have and gain more happiness from the little things that were always there, but sometimes overlooked, in life. 

With that said, I have just registered for the 100 Happy Days challenge with the goal of consciously making myself a happier person for the next 100 days. I'm sure it will be harder said than done but hopefully, it will be a small step in appreciating the life that I have. 

For this challenge, contestants are to submit a picture (everyday, for 100 consecutive days) of what made them happy. Upon completion, a personalized book would be sent to each contestant with their 100 happy moments to serve as a reminder of the things that they enjoy and value in life. 

I will be posting some of the pictures below as a way of documenting and reflecting upon this three months challenge ^^.

Well, ready, set, SMILE!

My To-Do List

Lately, I have been watching the TVB drama "Triumph in the skies II" and I really like the character named Jose. Unfortunately, she has a terminal illness but because of this, she takes much initiative to complete her goals in life so she can leave this world without regret.

The other day, on my quite-long-and-uneventful bus ride to work, I allowed my mind to wander and somehow, it drifted to the episode where Jose had made a to-do list.

Then I, having not much to do other than stare out the window, began to think about the things that perhaps I would want to do if my time was limited. I came up with the following:

1. Visit China to see the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Army, and Hunan & Anhui provinces for the breathtaking scenery.
2. Visit New Zealand for the scenery.
3. Learn to ride a horse and race through Mongolia on it **yes, I'm actually serious - it's kind of like my childhood dream**
4. Learn to play the dizi.
5. Own a pet dog (breed TBD).
6. Sponsor or adopt a kid.
7. *** Last one shall be kept a secret- a little too embarrassing to risk anyone knowing, haha***

When I really think about it, my list is actually not very long. Of course, there are other things that I would like to do but as of now, those seem to be the things that I would really want to complete.

I'm sure that somewhere down the road when I re-read this list, I'll laugh at how simple-minded I am; although, I don't have any doubt that a simple life is a happy life. I'm not a very ambitious person; things that revolve around fame and fortune do not really appeal to me. Of course, it is not true that "money can't buy you happiness" since essentially everything on my list would require money to complete...; however, I do feel that as long as I have enough to complete my goals and to live a comfortable life, it would suffice.

I guess it's time to study harder, get into a professional program, pass the professional program, get a job and save money, LOL. That way, I could finally begin to check those things off my list.

**Contemplates photo-shopping myself onto that horse**

From a stranger to a friend and back to a stranger

I was never a social person - I wouldn't say that I like being by myself but at the same time, I'm not afraid of being alone.

From elementary to high school, I underwent the transition by myself.

I was a really quiet child. I had a few close friends in elementary but unfortunately, we went our separate ways when I was sent to a different secondary school. Looking back, I remember trying to keep in contact for the first months of grade 9 but, well, time took its toll. As we became busier with school, as we met new people, it just became harder and harder to pick up the phone and ask "how has it been lately?"

Soon, we went from being friends to strangers.

From high school to university, the transition was better.

There were two other girls from my year who had enrolled in my program at university. During first year, we were quite tight but of course, we met other people in our classes and built our separate group of friends. One of them got accepted into a professional program after first year and since then, attempts to keep in contact was...how to put this...not very successful? I also happened to be close friends with her sister from high school but she had gone to another country for university. I had folded 99 stars to wish her farewell and I remember crying on our last get-together. Initially, we had both put in the effort to maintain our friendship but as the months went by, we became more and more distant. Eventually, I would wonder about how she is doing but I would no longer know how to message her.

I can say that I have experienced my fair share of friendships that had faded into memories- mere watermarks that barely reflect the vibrant colors of their prime.

As university had recently ended, I began to think about the people around me. Who will stay with me as the years go by? Especially since school is now over, attempts to meet up will be deliberate - maintaining a friendship will actually require effort. Who will be willing to expend the effort on me and who will I be willing to use my effort on? They say that as we age, our circle of friends shrinks. Is this the reason why?

I guess this is also a good lesson learnt: Only spend your time on people who will reciprocate their time. Otherwise, it will only end in hurt and disappointment.

I suppose that the flip side of holding onto any relationship is letting it go. However, it's just as important to realize who you can depend on - the people who you shouldn't let go.

Every time I hear that so-and-so has known each other for this many years, I get a little envious.

It must be nice to have someone who knows you so well - nothing to hide; nothing to hold back; nothing to fear.

Only everything to share.

Thoughts on Beauty & Natural Skin Care Products

When exam season comes, there is always one thing that happens - my acne breaks out.

Well to be fair, my skin has never been great and even when I don't have school, I do get the occasional pimple here and there. It is something that has troubled me since junior high and I even remember a guy in high school telling me to try out some acne cream - needless to say, that would be a stab to any girl's self-esteem. So for anyone who may be dealing with skin issues, yes, I do know how it feels to be in your position and it's a terrible feeling to be self-conscious. 

Well, I've tried numerous acne products (Benzaclin Topical Gel, Tactuo Acne Cream, La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Acne Treatment...etc) and none of them work as well as the natural products I'll introduce now - Lemon Juice and Extra Virgin Olive Oil!

Lemon Juice:

First, I'll tell you what lemon juice is supposed to do and then what it has actually done for me after a month of application. Lemon juice contains citric acid which has a lower pH than what P. acnes (the bacteria that causes breakouts) can withstand. So when you apply lemon juice to your skin, the bacteria that resides in your pores should be killed. Also, lemon juice has exfoliating properties that quicken the removal of dead skin cells. This is the reason why lemon juice is also supposed to reduce acne scars and even out our skin tone. Furthermore, lemon juice is a natural bleacher that should be able to whiten our skin. 

After a month of applying lemon juice, I have less acne than before; my skin is virtually clear except for the occasional one on my chin so I definitely do believe that it can prevent breakouts! I have also noticed that my acne scars have softened but have not completely disappeared. However, given that I had only used it for a month, I can't ask for anything more. In terms of its effects as a skin bleacher, I haven't noticed any changes in my skin colour. It's also not something I would want since I only apply it to certain areas, hahaha...not sure if I would want blotches of pale skin. 

Overall though, I'm quite impressed by how effective this natural product is at keeping my acne under control. It's definitely something I would recommend others to try. I usually apply fresh lemon juice onto my T zone for a few minutes and then wash it off with water. I would do this every other day. Like many others who suffer from acne, I have combination skin where my cheeks are dry but forehead, nose and chin are more oily. That is why I only apply lemon juice onto my T zone since it would be too irritating for my cheeks. 

I've read online that some people dilute the lemon juice with water and that was what I initially did but then I became too lazy, hahaha. I haven't noticed any harm with applying undiluted juice onto my face but I wouldn't recommend it for those with more dry and sensitive skin. Also, as a warning, when applying lemon juice for the first time, it will likely sting. It did sting for me but now, I don't feel anything. Maybe I got used to it? Anyways, just a heads up, but it's not that bad. 

One last thing - it's VERY important to put on sunscreen if you had applied lemon juice to your skin. Lemon juice makes your skin more sensitive to UV rays so you should find a sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB - a higher SPF won't hurt either. If you don't...you'll end up with blotchy skin since the areas where you had applied lemon juice would tan more easily. 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the highest class of olive oil with the lowest acidity. It contains antioxidants like vitamin A and E which, when applied to the skin, would help repair damage from the sun, diet imbalances, lack of sleep...etc. In this way, olive oil is supposed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. As an oil, it can serve as an effective moisturizer for dry skin and it can also be used as a cleanser to prevent acne breakouts! That might sound a little counter intuitive - apply oil to my acne prone skin to...prevent acne? Well, I'm no chemist but I do vaguely recall that "like attracts like". Olive oil is a hydrophobic substance (meaning it is repelled by water but attracted to fatty substances) and it will stick to other hydrophobic substances like skin oils and greasy makeup. When olive oil is used as a cleanser, it will stick to the dirt and oils that you do not want on your skin; when the olive oil is then removed with a towel, the unwanted substances will be removed as well. As a side, olive oil is also supposed to increase the growth of your eyelashes and eyebrows. 

Now, after about a month of application, I have noticed that my skin is smoother and more moisturized. I actually use olive oil in place of my moisturizer since it's much more effective (not to mention, so much more cost-friendly)! I don't have wrinkles so I'm can't attest to its anti-aging properties but I have used it as a cleanser/makeup remover and it has been effective for removing even waterproof mascara. Unfortunately, I haven't noticed any differences in my eyelashes but it's only been one month so I am still hopeful!

As a cleanser, I would just apply EVOO onto my face with my fingers (making sure they are clean) and gently rub it onto my skin for 1-2 minutes in a circular motion. Then I would run a towel under hot water and place the hot towel onto my face to open up the pores. When the towel has cooled, I would rinse the towel and use it to wipe my face one more time to remove any excess olive oil. After that, my face should be clean and I would apply my moisturizer....which happens to be more olive oil, hahaha. 

This cleanser is effective and I've read many positive reviews about it online. However, the process does take some time and I usually run late in the morning so I've reverted back to using my normal cleanser - La Roche-Posay Effaclar Purifying Gel. This is a product that I also highly recommend as I've tried numerous other cleansers specific for acne prone skin but this one seems to suit me best. It effectively removes any impurities without irritating or drying my skin. So yes, olive oil can serve as an effective cleanser although its application takes too long to suit my lifestyle. Who knows, it might suit yours though!

As a moisturizer, I would apply EVOO onto my face with my fingers (making sure they are clean) and leave it on for 2-3 minutes. Then I would just wipe the excess oil off my face and I would be left with softer and more supple skin. I still use EVOO as a moisturizer and I don't think I will revert back to any drugstore products since nothing has even matched its effectiveness when it comes to nourishing my skin. 

As a make-up remover....honestly, I just rub olive oil all over my face to dissolve the makeup and then wash it off with water. 

*Well, that is that! Results and effects will vary from person to person but I can say that lemon juice and olive oil are both very effective natural skin care products for me. It has helped improve my skin and hopefully it may do the same for yours as well. If anything, no harm in trying, right? Anyways, I'll talk to you later!*

A 5 Am Poem

Dreams and reality may not align,
goals in life are just not met.
Reflections are tainted in shades of blue,
eyes are obscured by a haze.
Present and future may seem too bleak,
incompetency stabs the fragile heart.
Tears may trickle behind the mask,
emotions choked back until they burst.


Sadness and distraught will reach its peak,
despair would be no more.
Turns in events will have to occur,
abysses do have an end.
Hopes and aspirations may yet be reached,
but life will carry on.

Acceptance precedes the recollection,
recollection precedes new hope.
Strength and passion will resurface,
light will pierce the dark.
Things may not happen as expected,
but life's not worth living if they did.

Twists and turns lead to new terrains,
achievements beyond your dreams.
Dignity and fulfillment will be attained,
detours won't define your worth.
Goals are certainly set to be reached,
but please don't fret if detours are made.

Struggles and failures will become memories -
wisdom that grows with time.

At 5 am, I simply could not sleep. I hadn't drank coffee for a while and a small cup from the afternoon had kept me awake through the night; perhaps I should drink my coffee in the morning now? Anyways, I don't usually write poems, nor do I read poems. Most of this just came to me at 5 am when I couldn't sleep. Haha...what an odd night. I thought I would share this because I know a few people around me are going through some rough times. Hopefully this can be a source of encouragement!

PS. It's not titled A 5 am Poem because I wrote it at 5 am. Care to hazard a guess?

The Immortal Creature

So, as I am studying for my second last exam, I reached an epiphany. I realized that I had come face to face with an immortal creature for at least 4 days/week for the last 4 years. I have even discovered (through wikipedia) the year that it was first conceived - 1827. This thing is 186 years old and it's not about to go anywhere.

Friends, beware. This creature is dangerous.

It raises a bunch of lab rats and keeps a handful of cadavers on its grounds to bait innocent 17 year old humans with them. Quite sadly, once victims have fallen prey, they are tortured with long nights of insomnia, elevated cortisol levels and perhaps even recurrent slaps of depression.

Yes, unfortunately, I am speaking from experience.

Yes, even more unfortunately, it is immortal, and I can prove it. This creature displays pictures of itself from 1876. Walk through MS, the proof is all there.

(PS. Sorry you had to read all that. Yes, U of T is driving me crazy and I am losing my composure. But I guess that's what I get for falling prey?)

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