Sunday 28 June 2015

Winding Up with a Better Future (Pun Intended)

So, let's talk about our future.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A) Fossil Fuel User
B) Nuclear Power User
C) Wind Power User

If I were you (or the rest of humanity), I would pick C.
Why? Because when in doubt, we always pick C.

Just kidding.

The truth is, if we want a sustainable energy future, then wind power is the way forward.

Wind power is a clean source of energy that does not pollute our earth in the detrimental ways that other power sources do - burning fossil fuels can deplete our earth's precious ozone layer and nuclear power plants often result in acid rains around its vicinity. Not to mention, those environmentally-UNfriendly sources of energy are not even renewable! They will run out.

How can we continue to depend on fuels that we know will not last?

Perhaps we, as a society, are too focused on the convenience of using the older power plants that are already available and too unmotivated to spend the money to invest in wind power. However, few people realize the economic benefits that also comes with using wind power.

Wind energy is essentially home-made local energy. There is no need to import fuels from foreign countries and it can give our nation more energy independence. Furthermore, since wind is always free and available, its price is stable and as such, it can help buffer the more variable price of electricity from nuclear power or fossil fuels.

In addition, wind turbines are often built on farmlands where the power plant owners pay the farmers for using their land. The turbines use up very little space and do not interfere with crop growth. It gives farmers an additional source of income and revitalizes the rural economy.

So, friends, how do we wind up with a better future? I'm sure you know now.

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